
What is profile ?
Profile tells WSM what to do during Windows startup. There are three predefined profiles to choose from:
WINDOWS DEFAULT - it contains all startup elements
CLEAN SYSTEM - it runs only system shell
RUN APPLICATIONS - it runs programs and/or documents from "Quick start" list. It is possible without loading system shell
You can also create your own profiles containing any startup element you need.

Creating profile
Start Windows Startup Manager (see:configuration)
In order to create new profile click New profile button or select New profile from Profiles menu. Give your profile a name. Then add some elements from Available startup elements list using Add button from panel (2). You can add more then one element at once.

Default profile
You can set any profile as default. During startup this profile is selected automaticly (not started).
Select Options Strtup module configuration
Use the Default profile panel to set the profile which will be selected automatically during startup. If you turn on the Startup control it(the profile) will be run
automatically after the set amount of seconds. (note: any action from user terminates the countdown and allows you to select profile manually)

Advanced profile settings
You can access this function from menu Profiles. It allows to associate wallpaper and window colors with each profile. If you don't associate any settings with a profile it will use the last settings made with Control panel>>Display.

See also:
Startup module
Clean system
"Quick start" list
Startup elements